No URL given
There was no URL specified.
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is not enabled
This means that the file could not be downloaded because of the same-origin-policy of browsers. To fix this problem, you must enable Access-Control-Allow-Origin on the streaming server.
The segment could not be decrypted
Decryption failed on the following segments. Read more about decryption in THEOplayer.
Could not retrieve file(s) from server
A succesfull download starts with code 2xx or 3xx. Details about codes
No endlist and not long enough
If there is no EXT-X-ENDLIST specified in the media manifests (= live stream), then the total duration MUST be at least three times the target duration.
The segment exceeds the allowed bandwidth
The size of a segment may not exceed that specified bandwidth in the master playlist.
Segments should have PAT/PMT available
Segments must have PAT/PMT present.
RAW audio should have ID3 data
Raw audio (aac / mp3) MUST have ID3 data. This is necessary because ID3 contains information about timestamps in the audio.